Privacy Policy

General Safety

The thrill of meeting new people is undeniable! But before you dive in, Dazzzle prioritizes your safety. We've implemented these helpful policies to empower you to have a secure and enjoyable dating experience.

Online Safety
  • Do not disclose your financial information or send money: may pose as someone in trouble needing financial help. Wiring money is like sending cash - it's nearly impossible to get back. Report any requests for money immediately.
  • Safeguard your personal information: Don't share details like your National ID number, home address, or daily routines with people you don't know well. If you have children, limit information about them on your profile and early chats.
  • Stay on Dazzzle: Keep your conversations on the platform until you get to know someone better. This allows us to use our safety filters to protect you. People with bad intentions often try to move chats to private messaging apps right away.
  • Exercise caution with long-distance relationships: Be on guard against scammers who may claim to be from Nigeria but are stranded abroad and ask for money, often for a supposed relative. Beware of anyone who consistently avoids video calls or in-person meetings. Pay attention if someone seems to dodge your questions or pressures you into a serious relationship before you've gotten to know each other well. These are signs that something might not be right.
  • Report suspicious or offensive behavior: We take your safety seriously. Block and report anyone who violates these terms stated below:
    • Requests for money or donations
    • Underage users
    • Harassment, threats, and offensive messages
    • Inappropriate behavior during in-person meetings
    • Fake profiles
    • Spam or solicitation
Protect Your Account
  • Choose a strong password and keep it confidential. Be careful when logging in from public computers. Dazzzle will never ask for your password in an email - report any such emails immediately.
Meeting in Person
  • Take your time! Get to know the other person well before agreeing to meet or chat off Dazzzle. Don't be afraid to ask questions to identify any red flags. A video call can be a helpful way to screen someone before meeting.
  • Meet in public for the first few times: Choose a well-populated place, never someone's home or a private location. If your date pressures you to go somewhere private, end the date.
  • Inform a friend or family member about your plans. Let them know where and when you're meeting. Keep your phone charged and with you at all times.
  • Maintain control of your transportation arrangement: Arrange your own way to and from the date so you can leave whenever you want. Consider using a ride-sharing app or having a friend pick you up if you're driving.
  • Understand your boundaries. Be aware of how drugs or alcohol affect you - they can impair your judgment and alertness. If your date pressures you to use drugs or drink more than you're comfortable with, stand your ground and leave.
  • Never leave drinks or belongings unattended. Keep an eye on your drink at all times. Only accept drinks poured or served directly by the bartender or server. Be aware that some substances used in date rape are odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Keep your phone, purse, wallet, and anything containing personal information with you at all times.
  • If you feel uncomfortable, leave. It's perfectly okay to end the date early if you're not feeling good about it. Trust your instincts and don't hesitate to ask the staff for help if you feel unsafe.
Additional Notes
  • Remember, these tips can help reduce risk, but no method is foolproof.
  • If you have a negative experience or abused, please report it to Dazzzle.
  • For immediate danger, call the Nigerian Police Force Emergency Hotline at 112.
  • Nigerian Police Force website.
  • Federal Ministry of Women Affairs Website.

Remember: Dazzzle is committed to creating a safe and positive dating experience for everyone. By following these tips and using the resources available, you can help keep yourself.